How it

I created Degrl in 2013 as a channel to express the darker side of my emotion. Degrl officially launch in March the same year at the Occult Conference in Glastonbury, England, displaying works included ink and digital Illustrations, sculptures and experimental arts. Some of the artworks had been stocked at art galleries in the South West as temporary exhibit.


Story behind
the name

Each letter of the name DEGRL stands for a word – Desire, Envy, Greed, Rage and Lust. These sensations rumble within all of us, they interfere physically and psychologically with my life. Others may think they are sin but I believe they are the fundamental motivation for the human race to survive and evolve.

What do
Degrl do

I use Degrl to discover new and unique ways communicating to the world. Determined to pursue a level of individual greatness that will push the boundaries. It made me unafraid to explore the dark recesses of my soul and to tap into the deep flow of life force and translate these secret places into the transparent stream of life.


DEGRL    noun /ˈdegrəʊl/

Definition: Representing Desire, Envy, Greed, Rage and Lust. The state of life that unafraid to explore the dark recesses of human soul and to tap into the deep flow of life force.